Dietary Advice

Do you think you eat healthy
just because you do not eat sugar, meat or gluten?

Chinese diet

Chinese diet has a long tradition. What you should eat is linked to condition your body is in right now. E.g you should not eat spicy foods if the body is in a stressed state because spicy foods give even more heat which gives more stress.
For example, when the stomach is sensitive, one should reduce the consumption of cold drinks because the cold damages a weak stomach.

What to eat differs greatly from person to person and the life situation you are in.

Food has an impact

Chinese food culture, is more about what good the food does rather than harm. All food is divided into different temperatures that have the ability to balance the body in different conditions. When you have a cold body, you should eat hot foods, when you have a hot body you should eat cool foods. Different ingredients interact with different meridians and strengthen them. Our dietary advice is based on our diagnosis of your symptoms to see what you need to eat right now.

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