Traditional Chinese Medicine

The holistic view of the body
Yin Yang Balance in the body
The meridians
7 Emotions that cause damage

About Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the world's most comprehensive treatment system. It has evolved continuously for 4000 years, where every generation of physicians contributed knowledge to the vast wisdom bank. The research and development of Chinese medicine for treatment of new diseases is an ongoing process, for example, when SARS broke out in China and no antibiotics worked, Chinese herbal medicine was applied with great results! 
Another example is the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2017, which was awarded for the creation of drug against malaria. All modern malaria medications are based on an extract of Chinese herbal medicine, which has been documented in our drug archives for hundreds of years! All this underlines one thing:


The holistic view and balance in the body

The holistic view describes a mindset that takes the whole human being into account: body and psyche, the individual with its surrounding environment, the history of ones health and genetics affect the health of a person.

The balance system in Chinese medicine is based on the doctor's analyzes of the changeing body signals. He compares the perfect standard of a human being who is in balance to you and studys the discrepancies between you and it, which becomes your specific imbalance. The treatments are about reintroducing your balance. As soon as the balance is reached, all of your symptoms will disappear.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a vast system. Here are some of the most important concepts:

YIN AND YANG - are metaphors that describe the opposition phenomena. Yang stands for light, masculinity, activity, the sky, etc. While yin stands for darkness, femininity, passivity, the earth, etc. In Chinese Medicine, yin and yang are used to describe imbalances in the body. Read more about Yin and Yang! 

THE MERIDIANS -  are the energy system that acts in parallel with other bodily systems such as blood vessels, lymph nodes, and nervous systems. The Meridians are connected to our organs in the body. We use concepts such as Yang deficiency in the kidney's meridian to describe a condition. Read more about the meridians!

THE 7 EMOTIONS - Our emotional roller coaster can cause imbalances on the meridian systems of the various organs. In many cases, the cause for our illnesses lies here! If this emotional imbalance is prolonged, we can get sick. Read more about the 7 emotions!  


Martina shares her experiences, feelings and results of the help she received from us and Chinese Medicine. 

Treatment methods that restore the balance!

We offer a variety of treatments in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Learn more about the different ways we can help you return to balance again!

Book recommendation:
Traditionell läkekonst i modern tid 

It's a really good book written by Susanne Schönström. It describes Chinese medicine in a very correct way. READ THIS!

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